Monday, 18 July 2011

Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday - 17 July 2011 - was our 46th wedding anniversary. We had decided that 46 was a boring number and therefore it didn't deserve any particular celebration. However that went a bit wrong.

On Thursday morning we finally decided that we should go to Kos for a week at the end of September. The last chance before we have to start accepting that winter must come. Because of that, when I was walking through town later in the day, and saw a notice outside Sergi's restaurant which said that he was having a greek evening on Friday, it seemed like a clear instruction to change our minds and have a celebration even if it wasn't going to be on the right day. So we booked and then realised that we also had evenings out planned for Saturday and Monday. The actual anniversary day was the only one without any sort of event.

Sergi's restaurant is very small - there were only 12 people eating on Friday - but that made it more of an event. We started with tzatziki and aubergine dips with deep fried courgettes and flatbread. This was followed by gigantic beans and sticky pork stew. The desert was a cake with a honey and nut topping and yogurt. We drank a white rioja!

The food was very good but , even with the practice that we had in Italy, it was too filling. Saturday was all very light meals.

Saturday night was a concert in Lincoln by Martin Simpson. The folk club is not a comfortable place but we arrived early enough to get two of the few chairs with backs that were close to the front and enjoyed a brilliant night.

Sunday was not special but tonight we went to see our first 3D film 'TT3D : Closer to the edge'. The cinema was full of people who had never been there before - nearly all men! Usually the only time that it is full the audience is nearly all women. The film is a detailed account of the 2010 TT races and as such contained much that meant nothing to us. The most interest came from the story of Guy Martin who was recently on TV fitting out a narrow boat in the West Midlands and who turns out to come from the Grimsby area. We weren't impressed by the  3D effect which was often very artificial. Nevertheless it was an interesting end to the weekend.

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